Glaucoma: One More Reason to Control Your Diabetes

Diabetes has a number of associated conditions and complications. Some of the most serious are eye diseases, among them, glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness in the United States. According to the American Diabetes Association, people who have diabetes are 40% more likely to suffer from glaucoma than non-diabetics. Also, a report from the Glaucoma Foundation states that there is a significant link between Type 2 diabetes and chronic open-angle glaucoma (COAG).

4 Things You Need to Know about Contact Lens Overwear Syndrome

Contact lenses are very popular: more than 30 million Americans wear them. Contact lenses are a safe alternative to glasses when they're worn properly, but when they're not worn properly, they can lead to complications such as contact lens overwear syndrome, also known as contact lens-associated red eye. Here are four things you need to know about contact lens overwear syndrome. 1. What are the signs of contact lens overwear syndrome?

Improving Your Eyesight: 3 Types Of Intraocular Lenses Implantable During A Cataract Surgery

The prevalence of cataracts, a condition where the lens inside the eyes becomes cloudy, is relatively high amongst senior American citizens. According to the National Eye Institution (NEI), approximately 68.3% of Americans over the age of 80 had cataracts in 2010. Fortunately, modern day cataract surgery is generally quite safe and effective, as the procedure produces excellent outcomes and can almost completely restore one's visual acuity. Once the clouded lenses are removed, the surgeon will replace it with an artificial intraocular lens.

6 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight

Protecting your eyesight is critical to having the best quality of life possible for as long as possible. Eye disease is a common problem that negatively affects this quality of life, especially as you get older. According to the CDC, over 3 million Americans over the age of 40 are either blind or visually impaired. Luckily, there are proactive steps you can take to help protect your eyesight for many years to come.

Optometrist Or Treat: 3 Ways Halloween Can Be Bad For Your Child's Eyes

There are certain risks associated with Halloween. As children don their costumes and knock on door after door, most parents are concerned with the possibility that their children's collected candy may have been tampered with, or that they aren't wearing enough reflective gear to warn motorists of their presence. What most parents don't take into consideration, however, is how their children's eyes will be affected while they're out trick-or-treating. Read on for 3 very real eye health risks associated with Halloween and how to protect your child from them.