Have You Developed An Allergy To Contacts? 3 Things To Know About Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

Contact lenses offer many benefits for vision correction, and you may prefer to wear contacts over glasses for the simple conveniences they offer, such as being easier to wear during sports. However, contact lenses sometimes cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as dry or red eyes that interfere with your ability to perform your normal activities. In most cases, you can use lubricating drops or take the lenses out for a short break to restore your comfort. When these strategies do not help you find relief, it may be necessary to explore the possibility that you have developed an allergy to your lenses.

It Can Develop at Any Time

Allergies can suddenly occur at every stage in life. Your body has a natural immune response to foreign bodies and materials that helps it fend off viruses and other toxins that can cause you harm. While this usually works in your favor, it can go awry if your body generates this type of immune response to the contact lenses. While you are most likely to notice an allergy to contacts when you first start using them, you can also develop symptoms of giant papillary conjunctivitis at any time in your life while wearing contacts.

The Bumps Are Visible

When your body responds to the contacts, you might notice uncomfortable symptoms such as redness or swelling that interferes with your ability to wear the lenses. You may also have tearing or discharge that occurs when the contacts are in your eyes. Over time, the immune response from your body interferes with the soft tissues under your eyelids, and small bumps begin to develop. Your eye doctor can check for these bumps by inverting your eyelids to give you an accurate diagnosis.

You Might Still Be Able to Wear Contacts

Although this eye condition can be uncomfortable, the good news is that it is usually reversible once you figure out what is triggering the allergy. In some instances, you could be allergic to pollen or residue from lens cleaners that build up on your lenses. If this is the case, then you may be able to switch to disposable lenses that allow you to switch to a new set more often. Alternatively, you may need to use special eye drops to help your body adjust to the lenses. Either way, your eye doctor will recommend the best course of treatment based upon your individual needs.

As a general rule, your contacts should not cause discomfort when you wear them. Always seek a professional opinion regarding unusual symptoms that occur while you are wearing your contacts so that you can continue to enjoy your preferred method for vision correction. Check out websites like http://www.josephdevenutojrmd.com to learn more.
